Jan 23, 2011

ini sirius!!!

Sirius ni.! Attenti0n please.! Ok.. Sy rindu sgt2 adik2 sy yg belambak kt umah tu.. Aban ammar, anis, arissa, widad, abid, akif, mujahid, syahid.. Hmm.. Adk ke ank sedara? Haha.. S0km0 perasan muda.. Emm.. H0wc0me is it?. What to do?! Msti dorg xingat da orang jauh ni.. Haish.. Sirius tacing.. Mcm2 sirius lagi la..

Em.. M0ral value nye di sini buat ibu2 dan bapa2.. Sntiase lah mengingatkan anak2 beliau kpd m0kcik nye yg dikejauhan.. Haha.. Ayt tacing kah ini?! Oh tidak sama sekali.. Cause of 'Mujahadah' right.. Why can sy nk tacing kn.. Huhu.. Perjuangan tetap perjuangan.. Rabbi yassir wala tua'ssir Ya Kareem.. Ameen..

(-_-)Sirius rindu mereka.. Pelihara mereka buatku Ya Allah..
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Jan 22, 2011

When The Moon Fall In Love..

There’s a quote from Yasmin Ahmad’s Talentime that I love the most. It sounds like this;

" If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night? "

As I was walking back from my clinical rotation in Bons Secours Hospital today, the day was very beautiful and sunny, so I looked up to the blue sky spotted with white fluffy clouds to enjoy every moment of it and I realized the moon is still there not even hiding behind the clouds at 11.30 a.m.

And so I remembered the quote from the movie and yes, it’s true. The Moon even lingers up till noon when the day is very sunny. But it would not even appear on a gloomy rainy day when the Sun is hiding not showing himself. So I started to have this kind of imagination and fantasy about the Sun and the Moon.

For me, I always think, the Sun as a male as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very vulnerable. The Moon on the other hand is the female, with endless beauty, very serene to look at but could be very lonely. They made a very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from Heaven.

Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers?

Why not?
I mean because the Sun and the Moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the Sun, the Moon will never exist to us as it only reflected the light from the Sun. So did Eve who was made from Adam’s rib, created to fill the spaces between Adam’s fingers. What a lovely couple the Sun and the Moon are, just like how lovely Adam and Eve were. Both couples were created in Heaven to shine upon all the mankind. It’s just that the love of the Sun and the Moon existed much longer before the love of Adam and Eve and their love persisted until today.

If the love of Adam and Eve is brought down from one generation to the next and the love breed filling every corner of the earth from the seed of love of Adam and Eve, the Sun and the Moon is different. Their love existed from the beginning of the world till the Day of Judgment and it will never change and it will never breed. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, treacherous and bitter to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other since the dawn of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.

Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we did. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in this lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones. One day the Moon said to the Sun;

“Oh my Love, you shine on the humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night while they are making love, but truly I am lonely myself. You are never in my company. Will we be able to hold hands together like the human did?”
And so the Sun replied;

“Oh my Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so that you are not lonely. My light will make you glow beautifully and your beauty will make every eyes of the girls filled with envy and jealousy. We live in a world apart but I will always shine my love for you forever until The Lord Almighty bring us together in the Heaven.”
The Moon is satisfied with the answer but never content with it. She loves the Sun so much that it is unbearable for her to live in separation.

One day, the Moon thought to herself, my heart must never falter and I must be strong in order to be with the Sun. From today on, I will linger on the sky until morning just to see the Sun even if it’s only for a while. The Moon was trying to show and prove her endless love to the Sun. So she stays every morning until noon just to have a brief moment with the Sun even her light is never the same as the night time. Her beauty is fading by the morning and she is sad that she cannot show the Sun her beauty. Even both of them appear on the same morning, they can only look at each other from a distant. They can never be closed enough to hold hands or to embrace each other tightly. Even so, the Moon was very happy because they got to see each other. Sadly for the Sun, he can only see the pale face of the Moon starring at him every morning, not that brightly glowing and the beautiful Moon. So the Sun asked the Mon;

"Oh my Love, why do you look so pale and sad?"

The Moon replied;

“Oh my Love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you and above of all, I’m pale because you are shinning so bright. You showered me with so much love that it caused me so much pain just to think that I’m not with you.”
The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon;

“Oh my Love, do you want me reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”

Listening to that, the Moon said quickly;

"Oh my Love, Never. If you don’t shine your love on me then I will forever be in the dark even at night and the scar on me will never heal.”

So the Sun and the Moon continue to live like that. The Sun will shine the earth every day and when the night comes, the lonely Moon will try to cast the loneliness of the humans away. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.

So, the Moon asked the Sun again;

"Oh my Love, If I can linger in the morning so bright, why can't you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty."
Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why can’t he shine at night. After giving some thought about it, the Sun replied;

"Oh my dear, have you forgotten the Words of Allah from the Holy Book of Al-Quran?"
So the Sun recited a verse of Al-Quran from Az-Zumar verse 5.

He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. and He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.
Listening to the verse, the Moon burst into tears and asked for Forgiveness from the Lord Almighty as she was trying to defy the rules of creation. Allah has made their destiny as so. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved Sun. All she can do is to watch him from a far with pale, and sad eyes.

To ease the sadness of the Moon, the Sun then recited a verse from Al-Qiyamah, verse 9.

...and the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).
“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient",the Sun said.
So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting and waiting until the Lord Almighty wishes them to meet each other.

The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely Allah will grant your love wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of Allah and Destiny is Allah’s haq for his servants. There will be time when your love will be realized. If Dunia Cinta is not for you, then Syurga Cinta is waiting for you. Adam and Eve met in Jabal Rahmah after years of searching and Allah fulfilled their love wishes. Just like the Sun and the Moon. Their love is destined to be together on the Day of Judgment. Allah has promised in Al-Qiyamah, when the Day of Judgment occurred is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet. Oddly for them, in the chaos of the end of the world is the time for them to be happy forever.

For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise full of Happiness. Just wait like how the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting.

Remember Allah’s promise to those who are patient;

And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord’s Countenance, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end. (Ar-Rad, 22)
And also, for the unmarried couple who are so in love with each other, there’s a boundary of which you can’t cross. Never to touch what is not yours. Never take it too far until you are lost with love of lust until it became Nafsu Cinta. Just like the Moon and the Sun, they wait with patient for the time, so you should do the same. Your time will come when you tie the knot and you can touch whatever that is yours. Love is a form of Test from Allah. The lovey dovey thing would be for nothing and fruitless if it’s not purify with Ikhlas only for Allah’s sake. You want to harvest the sweetest fruit (pious children) coming out of your love. If you fail the test of love, then you would not reach the Paradise, do you? Patient is definitely what being tested in love. And those who are pious should be able to excel the test well. First Class Honors maybe.

Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirun (the patient)? (Ali-Imran, 142)

A woman is only halal for you when you marry her. Even if you change your Facebook status countless time, announcing you are now in relationship with that girl or that boy, nothing ever changes between you and her. Both of you remains ‘Haram’ for each other. So does engagement. Engagement would not automatically says she is ultimately yours. As I said before, marriage is the only way that you and your loved ones can act, live and love as a couple.

Allah saw said in Al-Quran :

Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils) ~ (Al-Isra’, 32)

And the Prophet described what is the form adultery from the Hadith.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Love is a funny thing, can be dangerous, can be tricky, can be a-long-tiring-endless-waiting, but if you love the right way you will surely touch the Heaven of Earth and the Heaven in the Hereafter.

~ ILuvIslam ~
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Bagi anda yang berminat untuk mengembara dan sukakan aktiviti yang mencabar dan lasak, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menyertai kami dalam satu ekspedisi iaitu Ekspedisi HEWI '11 - Ekspedisi HEWI Menawan Puncak Sinai 2011.

Pendaftaran masih lagi dibuka sehingga 31 Januari 2011 ini. Makluman mengenai bayaran dan tarikh program akan dimaklumkan tidak lama lagi.

Jom bersama kami menghayati sirah-sirah perjuangan golongan terdahulu disamping melakukan pelbagai aktiviti yang seronok dan mencabar. Semuanya bakal anda temui di dalam Ekspedisi HEWI '11.

Pendaftaran boleh dibuat kepada Unit Sambutan dan Rehlah PMRAM Cawangan masing-masing.Mari mendaftar segera.Cepat sebelum terlambat..!!

" Meladeni Sirah Memacu Ummah "
" Kesatuan Ukhuwah Manifestasi Tarbiyah "
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winter break.!!

wee.. time winter mcm ni lah biase nye orang akan ke Sinai.. best kot.. yela kt egypt ni sane je ade salji.. paling sejuk kot.. actually sy xpernah lagi gi sane.. since last year mengidam.. huhu.. hopefully this year dpt la join hndak nye.. *pray.. hehe..

for ur information, kat egypt ni byk sgt kesan2 peninggalan sejarah silam.. then, setiap tempat tu byk sejarah nya yg tersendiri dan rugi lah bagi sesiape yg menziarahi tempat2 tersebut x ambil ape2 ibrah@pengajaran.. kata seorang tokoh barat mafhum nya " Barangsiapa yang melupakan sejarah, dia pasti akan mengulanginya "..

Sebagaimana yang telah difirmankan oleh Allah S.W.T dalam Al-Quran, banyak diceritakan dan digambarkan kepada kita bagaimana umat manusia terdahulu telah mengkhianati Rasul-Rasul mereka.. Bukan setakat membelakangi apa yang diserukan, malah ada yang sehingga membunuh Rasul mereka tanpa alasan yang Haq.. Akhirnya Allah S.W.T telah membinasakan mereka yang telah berpaling dari apa yang disampaikan oleh Rasul-Rasul mereka..

Kita dapat lihat, terdapat lebih daripada satu cerita sebegini yang termaktub di dalam Al-Quran. Walaupun telah diulang-ulang sejak beberapa ribu tahun, pengkhianatan umat manusia kepada utusan-utusan Allah S.W.T ini masih lagi berlaku.. Dan umat manusia sudah pun tahu kesan dan akibat daripada tindakan mereka yang berpaling dari apa yang telah disampaikan..

Jadi lebih kurang macam tu lah contoh yang dapat saya berikan, bagaimana jika sejarah itu dilupakan, maka manusia akan mengulanginya lagi.. Maka, dikesempatan winter break ni apalah salah nya kita meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk sama2 menghayati dan menyelusuri sejarah ketamadunan silam..

Wallahu aa'lam..
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Jan 13, 2011

'ILMU' mcm cahaya.?!

Huhu.. Apa 2.? Cahaya la.. Apa la.. Ok2.. Bukan nya apa.. Yela.. Sejak2 tgh exam ni baru rase mcm bijak sket.. Hahaa.. Awt nya pulak 2.. Yala.. Byk membaca la k0t.. Hee..

Tapi xpa.. Nak kate nye ilmu 2 mcm cahaya kn.. Meh kite main puitis2 sket nak?! Hahaa.. Taraa..
Ilmu.. Satu kalimah yg pnuh makna,
Tanpanya kite rase k0s0ng,
Tak ada apa dlm benak pemikiran ini,
Tetapi.. Bila kite sudah peroleh sesuatu ilmu tu,
Ingatlah ia agar dapat kita smpai kan kpd yg lain,
Bukan ingin bermegah.. Namun ilmu itu,
Hanya akan berkembang pabila kita menyebarkan dan berk0ngsi dgn yg lain..

Ilmu itu bukan untuk dipendam,
Jika ingin dipendam shj maka xakan ada manfaatnya buat diri,
Ilmu akan hilang n pergi begitu shj,
Dan kita semakin jahil tanpa ada pkembangan ilmu walaupun tlah byk kita pelajari..
Haa.. 2 dia.. Ingat 2.. Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda yg bmaksud " Sampaikanlah tentang ku walau pun satu ayat.." hmm.. Mcm 2 la.. Nk kate nye even exam dah abis pun, kne byk2 kan jugak pmbacaan kte.. Yela.. Kalau xbace mcm mana nk dpt ilmu 2 kn.. n kalau xada ilmu mcm mana kita nak bg org ilmu.. haa.. x gitu.?? Ok.. Kite ibaratkan membace 2 mcm mkn.. Ahaa.. Ape plak ni.. Mkn la pulak.. Tenang3! Nk kate nye kalau kite xmkn kn b0leh mati.. So ibaratkan lah.. Kalau sehari tu kite xmembce b0leh mati.. Hahaa.. Mcm tu la.. Pe2 pn niat.. M0ge dgn byk nye pmbacaan kita 2 untuk manfaat seluruh umat Islam dan syiar Islam.. Ameen Ya Rabb..
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indahkanlah ukhuwah dgn 'tafahum'..

Ok.. Tenang3! Hee.. Msti so blurr kn.. Wht is mean by 'tafahum'?? Its ok.. 'tafahum' means saling memahami or toleransi btween each othr la.. Hee.. Thts all..

Hmm.. Saja2 la duk c0nteng2 ni.. Setia Bersama ukhuwah ok..!! Hee..

Dikala semangat itu ketemu kembali,
Pasti ia nya akan dimusnahkan oleh yg lain,
Adakah sukar untuk memahami diri ini.??,
Ya.. Memg sukar kurasakan untuk mereka fahami diri ini,
Bukankah setiap insan itu punya cara tersendiri??,
Hmm.. Xmampu untuk ku fahami semua itu,
Memg benar mereka punya cara tersndri,
Maka nya.. Apakah salah nya untuk saling t0leransi antara kalian??,
Mungkin adakala nya yg se0rg ini tidak dlm m0od yg baik,
Apakah slh nya kita membiarkan nya stabil n tenteram??,
Itu lbh baik dr kita menambahkan derita nya,
Mengapa ku kata kan derita??,
Sdarkah kita kadangkala bukan mudah untuk meluah rasa hati itu,
Fahamilah mereka seada nya tanpa saling menyakiti...
Haha.. Berpuitis pulak.. Bukan ape pun.. Yelah.. Ukhuwah 2 sbnar nye so sweet kn.. Lg2 if sume nye kerana Allah.. Tapi kalau kita yg sdg berukhuwah ni xsaling menjaga hubungan ini, siapakah yg akn pertahankan Islam 2 kalau bukan kita sume.?? Fikir2 kan ye sahabat.. M0ga terus thabat dlm perjuangan menegak kan syiar Islam.. InsyaAllah..
May d' blessing of Allah wif us daiman abadan.. Allahumma Ameen..

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Jan 12, 2011

sshhh!!.. tgh exam ni..

aii.. pe cte sume..??? sehat kah.?? pe2 pn skarang ni kan tgh musim exam.. 2 yg suruh sshhh..!!.. kdg2 otak jadi pusing pn ada.. hahaa.. awat nya pulak 2 sampai nak terpusing otak nya.. hee.. bukan apa.. tgh winter.. so, huhh.. kena lah berjuang dr ngantuk n lapar.. mcm biase la.. sjuk2 cmfrm lapar n ngantuk.. pe2 pun wish kat sume moga2 najah kabir.. Insya Allah.. study molek.. da exam 2 buat cara exam.. tapi study bukan sebab exam ye.. ingat 2.. kne stdy smata2 krane Allah.. Insya Allah lg berkat ilmu 2 n tahan dlm ingatan.. hehe.. kesehatan pn kna jaga ye.. hee.. membebel ja mok cik ni..
apa2 pun segala nya kita serah lah pada Nya.. yg penting usaha, doa n tawakkal byk2.. sama2 doakan yg lain.. Insya Allah, Allah akan berikan yg terbaik.. Ameen..

sebuah hadith meriwayatkan :
“Adapun doa seorang Muslim bagi saudaranya yang tidak hadir adalah mustajab. Di sisi kepalanya ada malaikat yang diwakilkan. Setiap kali dia mendoakan kebaikan bagi saudaranya itu, malaikat yang diwakilkan itu pula berkata: “Amin, dan bagimu seumpama apa yang engkau doakan itu.”
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)

فإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله
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ketenangan itu...

Carilah ketenangan pada Nya,
Biarlah ketemu ketemu ketenangan itu,
Seperti bintang2 yg berkelip indah di langit yg tenang..

Andai langit itu xdapat dilihat,
Hidulah nafas sedalam nya,
Biar ada ruang bg ketenangan..

Andai nafas xseperti angin bayu,
Pejamlah mata mu,
Ingtlah Sang Pencipta angin itu,
Berbicaralah dlm hati,
Biar semua riuh itu tenggelam..

Hanya dgn Sang Pencipta,
Segala nya menjadi tenang,
Segala nya menjadi mudah..

Dalam mencari ketenangan,
Ada saja yg menghalang,
Namun disebalik pencarian itu,
Allah selitkan suatu kekuatan,
Bagi meneruskan perjalanan yg bkal ditempuh,
Bukanlah ketenangan itu enggan hadir,
Namun ia bakal hadir,
Bagi menyempurnakan kekuatan yg terkumpul,
Bersama ketenangan yg abadi..

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